Paper Tower

              This game was held on 12th June 2018 at GNCT class presented by SE first years students. First our madam divided us in 3 groups. Then madam gave 5 A4 sheets to make a tower and madam told some conditions also,

There are 

  1. Tower must be strong 
  2. Tower is tall 
  3. Group members should talk in English 
Then madam gave 45 minuets to build the tower. In that time we made the tower as soon as possible. 

After that madam care and check tower. 

It strong or not by blow the air unfortunately our tower  was fallen.

Group no 3 won this game. 

Then we discussed  about the mistakes. 

Our group mistakes

  • Our basement was weak 
  • We didn’t plan properly 
  • We only thought about the height of the tower we didn’t think about the basement of the tower. This is big mistake what we did. 

We developed our skills by this task. There are
  1. Time management
  2. creativity
  3. Team work
  4. manage resources


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